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 Circlefox Publishing Services

We know Authors become concerned when we say you receive no royalties until initial publishing costs are recovered. I bet you are thinking the initial outlay is padded in our favor? Of course you are, because other publishing houses are trying to recover staff costs, lease, etc. Circlefox Publishing participates in the Gig Economy, so our work is performed by experienced professionals, just outsourced. This in turn reduces our costs and the time to recover initial outlays. We are here for Authors! We will disclose to you fees upfront, so you know how many books must be sold initially before you begin to receive royalties.  Below are just a few of the services we provide as your publisher.

Colorful Books


This is the third most important part of your Author career, right behind a stellar book cover and that quick get em excited book description.  Circlefox manages your marketing through Google, Amazon, Microsoft and other marketing platforms. We want you seen, we want you to start collecting royalties as quickly as possible so you are excited to write your next novel.

Editorial Design


Your cover art and interior are critical to your books success. We will work with you to build an image which reflects your books content, one which entices readers to pick up or download your book. The interior work is just as important. A properly formatted book is easier to read and consume. We will also research whether a book trailer would assist in promotion.

Checking Text on a Document


Your content is put through a rigorous editing process. You will receive your manuscript back with edits and comments on how to make your story stronger. If you make significant changes to your manuscript, our team can run it through the editing process again for a small Author fee.

Checking Text on a Document

Your Presence

Circlefox Publishing will assist the Author in development of a personalized website and social media platforms. We help build the image, you work on engagement.

Checking Text on a Document


Circlefox Publishing wants your work protected! We work with our Author partners to acquire ISBN, Barcodes and Copyrights for your hard work.

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